UST Quadri Park

Quadricentennial Square

"Quadricentennial Square"

Why is it considered a 21st Century Park?
              Well basically it was built around 2006 and despite UST being 400 years old, it's still considered a 21st Century Park because of its contemporary landscape elements found in the park.

"Aerial View"

Physical Elements of the Design
            The plan is almost symmetrical. The color scheme is so marvelous it gives of a historical element to the site. that it Its design is linear for easy access of the students passing between the Main Building and the Library.

Principles of Design
            Simple in plan and yet it has this aesthetic beauty that appeals to the present time with its balanced elements (plants, pavements, monuments, fountain). There are two focal points in the Quadricentennial Square namely the Quattromondial and Quadricentennial Fountain. Large scaled trees is used to buffer the park from the Main building and the Benavides Library. All in all unity and balance is achieved in the design. *clap *clap 

Quattromondial designed by Ramon Orlina

Repetition of Elements in linear form

Quadricentennial Fountain designed by Industron Inc.
(designer of CCP Fountain)

Ground covers to prevent pedestrians stepping
in the grass (shortcutting)

Night Picture with vibrant colors of green
and gray

Foliage trees that shades the park

Lamp posts with an island garden at the bottom

Plan of the Quadricentennial Square (not to scale)

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